Friday, February 8, 2008


The last six weeks have been pretty rough around here. Right after Christmas, Julia got the stomach flu and was terribly sick for a week. We had to cancel our trip to Disney World as a result. Then, Elizabeth was diagnosed with mono. As if that wasn't enough...last night I came home from a bit of much-needed relaxation with my girlfriends to find Leo pacing and in major distress. I took him to the emergency vet at midnight because I suspected that he had bloat. They took x-rays and said it hadn't progressed to that point yet, thankfully, but he needed two shots to relieve the pain and pressure. Bloat is a scary illness that can kill a dog very quickly. Leo is at high-risk because of being a male GSD, even though he eats high-quality food and uses and elevated feeder. So, I didn't get much sleep last night. Nothing new there, but it did cause me to lose my voice. Kevin said I sound like Minnie Mouse today. I guess there are worse things...

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